The Story of Professor Wonder
and The Upside-Down Building
On a remote island, in the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, there was a top-secret research laboratory led by Professor Wonder.
While working on an experiment to harness the power of a tornado, something went terribly wrong!
The wind grew stronger than expected! Professor Wonder tried to stop the experiment, but the swirling vortex spun out of control and was too strong to be contained!
The power of the tornado was unleashed into the laboratory! The mighty cyclone ripped the building from its foundation! The tornado carried the lab hundreds of miles away where it finally landed upside-down!
If The Building Is Upside Down How Do I Walk Through It?
When you enter the building, everything will be upside-down, so in order to participate in the fun, you must step inside the inversion tunnel and be turned right side up!
Once you are properly aligned for your adventure, family fun awaits with more than 100 hands on exhibits.