WonderWorks takes family fun to new heights with the World’s Largest Indoor Ropes Course.
Standing 50 feet tall, visitors will climb 4 stories of ropes as they encounter over 50 different obstacles and activities; including swinging steps, lily pads, a tremor bridge and more. Conquer your fears and get an adrenaline rush at a top Pigeon Forge attraction. This exciting experience is included in the price of General Admission.
About the Course
This 4 story, glow-in-the-dark adventure is the first of its kind in Pigeon Forge, designed with the experience of each participant in mind.
More advanced athletes will discover new challenges while “just for fun” climbers will experience a great sense of accomplishment as they navigate and complete the course. Kids will build confidence one step at a time.
Test your abilities, both mental and physical, on this exciting and fun activity as a part of your general admissions package.
For Your Safety:
Ropes Course: Climber Height Must Be At Least 4’0″ (48″) to Climb Alone or 3’6″ (42″) to Climb With An Adult. Climber Cannot Be Taller Than 6’8″ (80″). Climber Cannot Weigh More Than 300 lbs. Closed-Toed Shoes Required. No Skirts or Dresses. No Injuries Permitted.